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Scoil Eoin Baiste

General information
Scoil Eoin Baiste is a Catholic school under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of Ferns, Bishop Denis Brennan. However, we operate an open and inclusive school which welcomes all nationalities and pupils of all religions or of no religion. We welcome pupils of all ability levels.
Opening and Closing Times
- School starts: 8.50am
- School finishes for Junior/Senior Infants: 1.30pm
- School finishes for 1st – 6th classes: 2.30pm
- Break time: 11 – 11.15am
- Lunch time: 12.45 – 1.15pm
Subjects Taught
- English
- Irish
- Mathematics
- History, Geography, Science (Social, Environmental and Scientific Education S.E.S.E.)
- Visual Arts: Art, Drama and Music
- Religious Education (R.E.)
- Social, Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E.)
- Physical Education (P.E.)
The school purchases textbooks and workbooks on behalf of the parents. Parents reimburse in September of each year. Where possible a rental scheme for textbooks operates. Textbooks are selected collaboratively by staff.
Copies and stationery are purchased by parents. Pupils also purchase their own pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers etc.
Each pupil is supplied with a packed lunch each day with his/her name on the bag free of charge. Lunches are chosen from a set menu and can be changed by parents. They include a sandwich of choice, a piece of fruit, a healthy snack and a drink. Lunches are freshly made and delivered to school each morning.
Some children who do not wish to avail of the free lunches bring their own lunch. The school operates a Healthy Lunches Policy which encourages sandwiches , fruit, juice, milk, etc. and does not allow crisps , chocolate bars, sweets, sugary drinks, high energy drinks, etc.
School Uniform
At Scoil Eoin Baiste we strictly adhere to wearing the school uniform. It consists of Grey pants/skirt, white shirt, blue tie, blue jumper with school crest and blue coat. We also have a school tracksuit which is worn on P.E. days and sports outings. All uniforms are available to purchase from Matt Mernaghs, 1 Slaney St., Enniscorthy.
Religious Occasions
In fulfillment of its ethos as a Catholic school the children are prepared for the sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion in 2nd class as well as Confirmation in 5th/6th class. School Masses are held on average 6 times a year. Our choir usually sings for these Masses and ceremonies.
School Outings
Each class is taken on a school tour every year to an age appropriate location. The junior and senior rooms usually go on separate tours. In recent years the junior room have travelled to a variety of places such as Hook Lighthouse, Wells House, Leisure Max and Pirates Cove. The seniors had great fun being very adventurous in Castlecomer Discovery Park and surfing in Dungarvan.