Fáilte go
Scoil Eoin Baiste

Board of Management

“The Board of Management manages the school on behalf of the patron and is accountable to the patron and the Minister. The Board must uphold the characteristic spirit (ethos) of the school and is accountable to the patron for so doing. The principal is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school, including providing guidance and direction to the teachers and other staff of the school and is accountable to the Board for that management.”(https://www.education.ie/en/Schools-Colleges/Information/Boards-of-Management/)


ChairpersonMr. David Minogue
Principal & Secretary to the Board of ManagementMs. Brigid Sinnott
Patron’s NomineeFr. Michael Byrne
Teacher’s NomineeMs. Amy Moloney
Treasurer & Parent’s NomineeMs. Silvia Roberts
Parent’s NomineeMr. Peter Proctor
Community NomineeMs. Bridget O’Leary
Community NomineeMr. Denis Brennan
