Fáilte go
Scoil Eoin Baiste

Mission Statement:
Scoil Eoin Baiste is a co-educational, Catholic, primary school which strives to provide a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed.
While Scoil Eoin Baiste is a school with a Catholic ethos, it also has due recognition for all other religions.
Scoil Eoin Baiste strives to promote, both individually and collectively, the professional and personal development of teachers through staff development programmes.
Scoil Eoin Baiste encourages the involvement of parents through home/school contacts and through their involvement in the Scoil Eoin Baiste’s Parent Association.
Scoil Eoin Baiste endeavors to enhance the self-esteem of everyone in the school community, to imbue in the pupils respect for people and property and to encourage them to be responsible.
Scoil Eoin Baiste promotes gender equality amongst the teachers and pupils.
Deanfaimid iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt.
Labhraímid Gaeilge i rith ceachtanna Gaeilge agus go neamhfhoirmiúil i rith an lae.
School Rules:
1. School begins at 8.50. a.m. and ends at 2.30 p.m. There will be a break of ten minutes at 11 a.m. and another from 12.45pm until 1.15 pm.
2. I ask all parents to note that full uniform must be worn to school and on school outings such as tours, quizzes etc. unless otherwise stated by principal.
3. All students must have a homework diary. This should be signed each night by a parent or supervising adult.
4. A note of explanation is required if a child is late or absent from school. An absence slip will be provided by the school, which should be completed by the parent or guardian. A child will be marked absent unless s/he is attending the health clinic. (Please bring in appropriate letter for school records).
5. For the safety of the children, parents are asked to drop off and collect through the grotto entrance. If a parent is using the front entrance, child must be collected in school.
6. Parents with children in the infant classes are asked to collect them at 1.30pm. In order to avoid class disruption , please be there at the appropriate time.
7. Students are expected to show respect to all members of the school community and to have the books and homework necessary for each class. Chewing gum, crisps and fizzy drinks are prohibited in school buildings and on school grounds.
8. Students must behave in an orderly manner on the school grounds and on their way to and from school.
9. Students who persistently give trouble may not be allowed on tours or outings.
10. No child is allowed to leave the school grounds during the school day unless they are collected by a parent or designated adult.
11. Lunch is provided by the school. If not taking school lunch pupils should adhere to school healthy eating policy.
12. Any books borrowed or rented from school remain the school property and must be replaced if damaged or lost.
13. Smoking in the school or on the school grounds is strictly prohibited under Dept of Health rules. Parents please take note.
The Context of the School:
Scoil Eoin Baiste is one of three national schools in the parish of Bree. It draws most of its pupils from the curacy of Galbally.
The present school was built in 1950 as a two-classroom building. Two further rooms were added in 1991. While the school itself does not have a school hall, it has the use of the Community Hall (built in 1988), which is opposite the school. A corridor runs the length of the school with all four classrooms along one side. The entrance to the school is in the middle of the corridor with the boys’ toilets and cloakroom to the left and the resource, staff toilet and staff room to the right.
One of the original classrooms is now being used as a school library and secretary’s office. We are proud to say that Scoil Eoin Baiste has now over 2,000 books in our library.
There is great space around the school for children’s play during school breaks. The schoolyard is behind the school, and there is also a large basketball/tennis court beside the building. In the late 80’s the Board of Management (BOM) with great foresight bought an acre of land behind the present yard that is used as a football/hurling pitch by the children.
Enrolment has averaged approximately 40 over the past decade but is now growing. We however remain a small school community and each child is well known to each teacher. This helps to promote a family type atmosphere in the school. Each pupil is known as an individual. The child is the centre of the school’s work and is nurtured accordingly.
Galbally Community Playschool also operates in Scoil Eoin Baiste. The Principal of the school is a director on their board. Progression from the play school to junior infants holds no fears for the children as they are already familiar with the teachers and classrooms. www.galballyplayschool.com