Swimming lessons
Swimming lessons start on Tuesday 17th April .
Confirmation Class 2018
Confirmation Class 2018 – Ceremony Thursday 8th March at 11am in Bree Church.
On Wednesday 7th February,Scoil Eoin Baiste presented a cheque to St. Gabriel’s Children’s Ward in Wexford hospital for €368.85 . A big thank you to all who contributed to the raising of this money at the school Nativity play in December, it was very gratefully received by the staff in St. Gabriel’s. The ward will be buying 2 syringe driver machines this year and the money will go towards the same.
RDS Primary Science Fair 2018
Well done to the senior room who participated in the RDS Primary Science Fair 2018
Date: 12/01/18
Project title: Is water coming from our taps safe to drink?
This was an interesting topic that involved lots of hands on investigation. Pupils were extremely competent in using the testing material and interpreting the results. There was a great investigation into the effects of poor quality water .All results were extremely clearly presented and displayed with appropriate use made of trend graphs and bar charts. Likewise there was a wonderful display of the various types of pollution. It was a good idea to invite the Environmental Health officer to your school as a visiting speaker. The pupils were engaging, informed and enthusiastic and it is obvious that their involvement in this project has given them a heightened awareness of water quality and the danger of pollution. Well done!
(More pictures on our Gallery page)
Nativity Play
Nativity Play Thursday 22nd at 7pm in Galbally Church ….. all welcome.
Christmas art work
Christmas art work created by the junior room….
Rackard league county final
Medal presentation for Rackard League winners Thursday 14th December at 10am-11am in Bree Hall.
Congratulations to Amy Doyle (6th class) who captained the victorious football team in the Rackard league county final.
She was ably assisted by her sister Ella Doyle (4th class) and by Casey Cullen (4th class).
Well done girls! we are very proud of you.