* Role of the Student Council in Scoil Eoin Baiste

In Scoil Eoin Baiste we believe that students have a vital role to play in creating a welcoming and positive school environment which is conductive to their learning, progress and happiness. 

* The Role of the Students Council.

Their role is to :
* offer all pupils the opportunity to voice their opinions on proposed changes and therefore play an important role in bringing forward improvements in our school
* act as a means of communication between the school, staff, pupils and home
* provide an opportunity for pupils to voice their opinions and offer suggestions in relation to many aspects of school life
* encourage pupils to organise events within our school and to take part in these events.

* The Election Process
All pupils are invited to nominate themselves for a place on the Student Council. Pupils give a speech outlining why they think the are a suitable candidate and then an election is held. The elected pupils are required to be active members on the Students Council by attending meetings regularly and participating in various activities. They are expected to be role models for other students.

* Student Council Meetings
Meetings take place once a month and are facilitated by a staff member. Prior to the meeting the Students Council get ideas and suggestions from all classes for the agenda. Staff also put forward topics to be discussed. Upcoming events may also be organised. Following meetings the Council are required to report the outcome of the meetings to all classes.

Topics that come under discussions at Student Council meetings may include the following :
* healthy eating
* health and safety
* school rules
* behaviour and discipline
* homework
* lunchtime games and activities
* friendships
* extra-curricular activities

Our Student Council 2024/2025

6th Class     Aaron O’Shea

5th Class     Tom Kiely

4th Class     Jaxon Roche

3rd Class     Sadie Cullen

2nd Class    Kate O’Leary

1st Class     Colleen Cullimore