Principals address June 2017

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I am delighted that as usual I have the chance to address the entire school community, especially our 6th class students Niamh, Tara and Luke. I have 3 goals for this speech:

  1. Not to cry
  2. Make Miss O’Shea and Eilis cry
  3. Make sure that Tara, Luke and Niamh know how important they have been to all of us here in Scoil Eoin Baiste

Before I start discussing our 6th class however, I want to ensure that I thank a few groups of people.

Parents, I want to thank you for bringing your children to our school and trusting us with them every day. I especially want to thank you for your help and support in all areas of school life during the past year. Research shows that collaboration between teachers and parents leads to positive educational outcomes for children. Our parents association have been particularly supportive over the last number of years and I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your hard work.

Scoil Eoin Baiste has 2 mainstream teachers, an SNA and a part time secretary. From next year on the positions of shared resource teacher and shared learning support teacher will be combined to create a new post of Special Education Teacher based in Scoil Eoin Baiste. This post will be shared with Ballymurn NS but the majority of the hours will be here. As everyone knows I am an enthusiastic supporter of small schools. I believe every child has the right to be educated in their own community. I believe that a school enhances that community and creates bonds. As school and community work and learn together, relationships are built and strengthened, and networks, extending into and beyond the community, are established.

Schools in themselves are only buildings and it is the people in them, staff, students and parents who make them successful. I would like therefore to thank Ms O‘Shea for her hard work and commitment to our school. Her musical talent and her ability to transfer this to our students is a very precious resource. I also want to acknowledge her leadership skills. I know that when I have to be away that I am leaving our school in a safe pair of hands.

Eilis has switched roles this year from secretary to SNA but her kindness and generosity of spirit remains unchanged. It is no secret that Eilis’s mother Nancy was on the interview board when I got my first job here in Galbally. I see the same goodness, honesty and hard work ethic in Eilis that was evident in her late mother. It is these family bonds in both our staff and students that make Scoil Eoin Baiste central in our community.

Marian joined us as secretary in September but in that short time she has endeared herself to parents, students and staff. She is efficient, conscientious and diligent in her secretarial duties. I thank her for her support during the year.

Ms Quigley and Mrs Monahan are leaving us this year. They will both be missed by all the staff and students. Mrs Monahan returns to her base school in Murrintown and Ms Quigley will take up a permanent position in the Mercy Convent in Wexford. On behalf of everyone here I wish you both every success in your career path and thank you for your hard work during the year.

Rose and George work hard to keep the school looking well. Rose’s cheery laugh and wonderful sense of humour always brightens our day. George has a great sense of humour too….he knows loads of mother in law jokes!!!

Last but by no means least I want to thank the BOM. Without these volunteers we would be unable to run the school. I want to especially thank our Chairman Fr. Ken who has endeared himself to all and sundry since his arrival in August.

Finally I get to my lovely 6th class. The 8 years they have spent in Scoil Eoin Baiste have flown by and they are now ready to stretch their wings and explore new pastures. We, your parents and teachers have been preparing you for this new chapter. We are thankful for the time you have spent here with us. We hope that you will use wisely the skills and talents developed here with us. We hope that you leave us with confidence in yourself and that you will fulfil all of your dreams. I will finish with this blessing